Dave Baileys Hope

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

5/25 Praise report!

Praise God! Not only was Dave accepted into TrustPoint, they are transferring him at 1:30p! Please pray the transfer goes well and that Dave is comfortable.

I will send out info on TrustPoint as soon as we know it.

Thank you for your prayers!


  1. SO thankful that he was accepted at Trustpoint. Hard work ahead, but Dave is certainly not against hard work. Stay strong in the Lord!Love you all.Donnie and Sherri

  2. Praise the Lord!!! Dave can get started so much sooner now on his therapy at Trustpoint. Pam & Brent

  3. I am praying for you Uncle Dave!! Love you!

  4. I am so thankful that we serve a faithful God who hears and answers our prayers! You all are in my prayers and thoughts continually. I wish I could be there, maybe before too long!! Much love and prayers!! Betty Reiser

  5. Love to read your awesome updates. Thanks for taking the time to write them and share. Love you guys, Diane and Ken
